The Korean Anthology of Successive Dynasties in its original wood-block typeset text comprises a collection of more than 1,000 works written by Korean scholars over a 1,300 year period from the 7th to early 20th centuries. It features abundant and detailed information providing the requisite knowledge on topics in the fields of philosophy, history, art and culture, society, economics, military affairs, geography and astronomy, making it the most complete Korean-authored source material written in literary Chinese.
This anthology reveals the love of family and love of country among Korean intellectuals and the fields of knowledge in Korea during each era. It chronicles historical events and provides Confucian descriptions of people, places, events and thought. This makes it an invaluable research source on Sino-Korean history, literature, Sino-Korean relations and pan-East Asian relations, East Asian civilization and history.
Original text language:Pan-Asian Literary Chinese
Number of volumes:3500 volumes (as of 2017)
Sourcing era:Nearly 1300 years, from 7th to 20th centuries.