Airiti's Academic Citation Index (ACI) database includes a rigorous collection of Taiwan-published academic journals in the humanities and social sciences that is high quality, abundant and complete. It includes the complete set of Taiwan Social Science Citation Index (TSSCI) journals, as well as Taiwan Humanities Citation Index (THCI) journals spanning 19 academic disciplines: education, library information science, sports, history, social science, economics, general studies, anthropology, Chinese-language, foreign-language, psychology, law, philosophy, political science, regional studies and geography, management, linguistics, the fine arts and media. Its replete citation data is profoundly integrated with the Airiti Library database, so that ACI citation links in Airiti Library entries help readers understand the relationship and derivations between different references, and facilitates linking to further references. This system also provides in-depth analytical reports on bibliographic metering. Targeting the needs of institutional users, journal publishing organizations and individual researchers, it provides in-depth citation analysis and statistical functions to help journal article authors and publishers understand their own academic impact.